Website & Digital Property Auditing

A comprehensive suite of digital accessibility services addressing websites, client portals, mobile apps, IoT devices, enterprise platforms, kiosks, and more. 

Why Website and Digital Accessibility Matters.

Embracing digital accessibility is now a key driver of business success, and it’s not just about following the rules. Of course, legal compliance is crucial, with regulations like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508. Failing to comply can lead to costly lawsuits and harm your reputation. But it goes beyond that…

Prioritizing digital accessibility also paves the way for expanding your market reach, connecting with a broader audience—individuals with disabilities. This translates to more customers and increased revenue potential.

Moreover, focusing on accessibility sends a positive message about your brand. It shows your dedication to inclusivity and social responsibility, which can earn your customers’ trust and loyalty.  Best of all, accessibility improvements benefit everyone, making digital assets more user-friendly. This results in a better overall user experience, driving higher engagement and customer satisfaction. So, it’s a win-win for your business and your customers.

Our Web & Digital Accessibility Services.

Our comprehensive suite of digital accessibility solutions is designed to address a wide range of digital assets, ensuring inclusivity at every touchpoint. Allyant is your partner in building accessible:

  • Websites
  • Mobile Applications
  • Post-authentication Platforms
  • Web + Desktop Software Products
  • IoT (Internet-of-Things) Devices

Your Accessibility Auditing Experience.

Our services go beyond the transactional. We are your accessibility partner every step of the way. That’s why you get:

  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager

    Your central point of contact to guide you through your accessibility efforts from start to finish.

  • Comprehensive Audit Reports

    Receive detailed reports highlighting issues and recommended steps after our expert team completes your accessibility audit.

  • Usability Documentation

    Gain access to a documentation library covering common user interface challenges and third-party issues to enhance your digital experience.

  • HUB Compliance Management Platform

    Manage accessibility projects, issues, and reports and access our knowledge base, training videos, and interactive help desk through our fully accessible HUB platform.

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  • Support Hours

    Flexible support hours to assist you in reaching your accessibility goals.

  • Actual People Auditing

    Our team of Digital Accessibility Auditors, including individuals with disabilities, conducts thorough assessments using assistive technologies, ensuring a human-centered approach to accessibility compliance.

Unlock the power of digital accessibility with Allyant.

Are you developing an application you’d like to make fully accessible? Whether it’s a mobile app, a software application, or even configuring a business system—whatever your accessibility needs, we are here to help! Tell us a little about your project, and we’ll help you get the ball rolling.

Digital Accessibility Auditing Project

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