Accessibility Software Suite

A comprehensive software suite that streamlines accessibility compliance so organizations can create, manage, and audit digital documents effortlessly.

Embracing Accessibility in a Tech and Compliance-Driven World.

In the dynamic realm of modern business, accessibility has risen as a paramount concern. Yet, as organizations strive to meet an expanding array of compliance standards, they often grapple with intricate technology solutions paired with a web of regulatory complexities.

These challenges present substantial barriers, impeding the creation of inclusive and compliant documents. Ultimately, this compromises our commitment to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities and staying aligned with evolving legal obligations.

Accessibility compliance transcends mere checkboxes; it embodies a heartfelt commitment. It’s about ensuring that information and services remain accessible to all, regardless of their abilities. This dedication extends beyond legal mandates, reflecting an organization’s inclusivity and social responsibility ethos.

By embracing accessible technology solutions that simplify the process of creating compliant documents, organizations empower themselves to pioneer a future where accessibility is not just a goal but a fundamental aspect of their operations, leaving no one behind in this transformative digital journey.

  • CommonLook PDF Validator

    This free Adobe Acrobat Pro plugin verifies PDFs against multiple accessibility standards, including Section 508, WCAG, AA, PDF/UA, and HHS guidelines. It pinpoints accessibility issues, providing invaluable insights into compliance challenges.

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  • CommonLook PDF

    An extensive Adobe Acrobat plugin with streamlined, cost-effective, and reliable methods for achieving compliance with WCAG, PDF/UA, and Section 508 accessibility standards. This robust tool simplifies the journey towards accessibility compliance, which is recognized in the W3C’s PDF Techniques for WCAG.

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  • CommonLook Office

    This tool creates accessible PDFs from Microsoft Word and PowerPoint documents. It provides a user-friendly guide to generate PDF files adhering to various accessibility standards, making compliance effortless.

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  • CommonLook Online

    This document remediation software designed for education professionals facilitates swift, efficient, and cost-effective accessible document transcription. It harmonizes advanced automation with user-friendly guidance to maintain quality and reflow capabilities, transforming documents into various accessible formats.

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  • CommonLook Clarity

    Scan, monitor, and ensure PDF accessibility across digital platforms, helping maintain compliance with accessibility standards.

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  • Accessible PDF Automation Solutions

    Efficiently generate accessible PDFs in high volume for templated documents, ensuring consistency and compliance across all your standardized assets, forms, and reports.

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Let’s Make Accessibility Work Together.

We’re on a mission to make accessibility, inclusivity, and compliance simple and seamless—one document at a time. Take a step towards accessibility excellence with us! Book your personalized demo of Allyant’s suite of solutions today, and let’s embark on this journey together!

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