Accessible Textbooks & Educational Materials

Print accessibility solutions, including Braille textbooks, tactile graphics, and various accessible formats, to empower students with disabilities and ensure equitable access to education.

The Need for Accessible Textbooks & Educational Materials

In fostering an inclusive educational environment, educators have a moral and legal duty to acknowledge the diversity of students’ backgrounds and abilities. Accessible educational materials are essential for students with disabilities, including those who are blind or have low vision, as traditional textbooks often hinder their independent access to course materials, impeding their academic progress and success.

Your Trusted Partner

At Allyant, we understand the vital role accessible textbooks and other educational assets play in every student’s life. With years of expertise and state-of-the-art facilities, we specialize in creating accessible instructional materials that cater to the unique needs of K-12, college, and university students.

Unparalleled Accessible Formats

Our commitment to accessibility extends beyond Braille textbooks. We provide a wide range of formats, including large print, e-Text, audio, DAISY, accessible PDFs, and accessible math. Whether it’s PDF, e-Text, EPUB 3, or NIMAS files, we accept electronic formats to ensure inclusivity.

Leading the Way in Tactile Graphics

Allyant is at the forefront of tactile graphic design. Our lead tactile graphic artist chairs the Braille Authority of North America’s Tactile Graphics Technical Committee, boasting over two decades of experience. We offer customer-specific scripting, ensuring compliance with BANA standards and delivering top-quality tactile graphics.

Unbeatable Turnaround Times for Standardized Testing

We are your trusted partner for standardized testing in Canada and the United States, providing Braille, large print, audio, and accessible math formats. Our tests and exams in alternate formats are of the highest quality, with turnaround times that set industry standards.

Innovation with Allyant FASTtrack

Efficiency is our mantra, and our Allyant FASTtrack system reflects this commitment. This semi-automated solution allows us to deliver accessible instructional materials, including STEM subjects, at twice the speed of traditional methods without compromising quality.

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Committed to Excellence and Compliance

Our dedication to excellence in education is unwavering. Our quality assurance team continually reviews processes and develops agency decisions for customer-specific transcription instructions.

Customer-Centric Approach

At Allyant, we prioritize customer service, facilitating effective communication between educational organizations and students who are blind or have low vision. We ensure compliance with applicable legislation, fostering trust and reliability in our partnerships.

Let’s do this together.

Join us in our mission to support education and accessibility for all students. Allyant is here to make a difference in the lives of learners, ensuring that no one is left behind on their educational journey.

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